Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Make Your Own Almond Butter

Almond butter is one of my favorite treats. It's really good for you and gives you an energy boost when you need it.

All you need are raw almonds and a little sea salt. I used about 1.5 cups of almonds for this small batch. You don't have to roast them, but but roasting them really brings out the smokey flavor. Spread your almonds on a cookie sheet and roast them for about 6 minutes on 375. Check them after 5 minutes, though, almonds burn easily and your oven may cook faster than mine. Let them cool for a few minutes, then put them straight into your food processor. It will take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes for the almonds to break down into the creamy texture that you're looking for. Every few minutes, make sure you stop and scrape down the mixture from the side of the food processor. The almonds tend to stick to the sides and you want to make sure everything gets blended well. You can add pretty much any flavor you'd like to your finished Almond Butter. I just blended in some coarse ground sea salt. If you're an almond fan, you'll probably want to eat it by the spoonful. Deliciously creamy and rich, it's great on it's own for a quick energy boost, on toast, or with an apple. In the morning I think I'll stir in a little honey and spread it on toast for a sweet little breakfast. I'd love to hear what you add to your Almond Butter!

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